Blog Post

Security issues in the cloud computing

  • Mohammad Mehdi Yadollahi
  • published date: 2020-06-19 16:34:31

Security is becoming more of a vital priority in cloud computing since most companies transfer their data and infrastructure to the cloud. Cloud computing increases the abilities and operational performance of an organization’s services. So, administrators are excited to use such a system to save money and add value to their companies’ assets.

The cloud ecosystems have a significant potential to store a large amount of data and to process them efficiently. The Cloud computing ecosystem provides several improvements in operational function while it has some issues on the data security of service consumers.

In this post, we are going to explain some possible threats and security issues in cloud computing. For more reading, you can access the Security Architecture of Cloud Computing, by clicking on the link here.

Security issues in cloud computing can be classified into three categories.


  1. End-User Security Issues
    End Users are required to access data and functions that a cloud ecosystem provides for. The cloud should secure the access channel for the End Users and keep it safe from any malicious user whose intent is to compromise data or services. In the following, some of the leading security issues in the End User side are explained.

    1. Browser Security: in a Cloud environment, remote servers have a computational role, and the client nodes are used as an input/output terminal. Also, authorization and authentication of data are done in the client nodes. A standard Web browser is the most common platform that clients use for communication with a cloud system. The most critical issue with browser-based protocols in Cloud Computing is that many attacks occur on Browser-based Cloud Authentication. So, the browser security API is added to enhance the safety of clients.

    2. Authentication: user authentication is the primitive part of access control in the cloud environment. Since all data in a cloud environment are accessible by the internet, access control is more critical than ever. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Trusted Computing Groups (TCG’s) are two authentication approaches that are broadly used in cloud computing systems because they are more robust than usernames and passwords.


  1. Service Provider Security Issues
    To convince the organizations to move to a cloud system, cloud computing suppliers must offer a resolution that satisfies organizational security and privacy needs. Privacy and Flooding Attacks are two examples of security Issues that each Service Provider faces.

    1. Privacy: privacy is one of the security issues in cloud computing. Each country has specific restrictions about privacy which cause personal information regulations to vary across the world. Data preserving and privacy are the two most essential elements that should be covered by any practical assessment strategy.

    2. Flooding Attacks: in the Cloud system, server hardware maintenance is the most important task related to the hardware. It is trivial that cloud computing improves the computational capabilities of its clients, who are companies and organizations, by allowing them to rent server hardware on demand. The server under the flood attack is unable to perform because attack requests the server’s completely exhausted hardware resources. In the Cloud computing environment, denial of service can cause a deficiency in availability in the complete computing Cloud.


  1. Infrastructure Security Issues
    Infrastructure Security Solutions and products are often simply deployed, but they are needed as a principle part of an entire system to design secure and productive. Securing data storage and network and servers are two vital infrastructure solutions that must be implemented securely.

    1. Securing Data-Storage: the most critical security issue in each cloud computing system is data protection. Data protection has many aspects that help security be preserved, such as how data is accessed and stored, how to prevent data breaches and how to encrypt or decrypt them. Currently, the best practice for securing information used by the cloud computing provider is to apply cryptographic encryption and shipping self-encrypting that hard drive manufacturers provide. In contrast to software encryption that is less secure and slow, this approach offers efficient automated encryption with a minimum amount of time and cost.

    2. Network and Server: virtual servers and applications, as well as their non-virtual complements, must be secured physically and logically in cloud computing systems. Blocking holes or leaks between the composed infrastructures could be a significant concern with cloud systems. So, each computational part of a cloud computing system must be implemented and designed securely.

In conclusion, all three security categories are of upmost importance in security in cloud computing and for more information, as noted previously you can click on the link to learn more.

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